Monday, December 5, 2016

Maybe Not a Professional Athlete, but Still a Success

At this moment, somewhere in the world a young boy is dreaming about becoming a famous soccer player. He has posters of famous soccer stars in his room, and every day he goes out to practice with his friends. He even cuts his hair in the same style as his favorite player. Thousands of young people feel the same as this boy. Only a few children actually become professional athletes, but all of them will learn valuable skills while they pursue their dream. The factors that determine, if an individual can have a successful career in professional sports include physical ability, mental clarity, and the ability to work well with others.
              To become a professional athlete, a person must stay healthy and physically strong. A soccer star should be able to run faster and farther than most other athletes. A basketball player has to be able to fake, block, and shoot while other powerful players are trying to stop him. Finally, to make a career of sports, the player must be able to avoid injuries. Many young athletes have to quit because they have sports injuries from playing year after year. So a powerful, agile, and resilient body is essential.
             Another factor that contributes to a successful career in sports is a strong mind. An athlete must be able to manage stress and focus on the game. A tennis player might feel a lot of stress, which could interfere with her ability to concentrate. She might hit the ball out of bounds. A crowd of people yelling at a baseball pitcher might make him throw balls instead of strikes. To succeed, an athlete must be able to play under this kind of pressure. In addition, an athlete must be able to make quick, strategic decisions. Making the right decision to pass or shoot, for example, is extremely important, especially in team sports.
 Finally, an athlete must be able to cooperate with his team members. So even though he might want to keep the ball and make all the shots, he must focus on passing the ball to the player who has the best chance of scoring. He must follow and trust his coach’s strategies for the team, even if it means he will not score the winning shot. He must understand his teammates’ abilities and know who is the fastest player and who is the most accurate. He cannot think only about himself if he wants his team to win.

In conclusion, the three contributing factors to a successful career in athletics are physical ability, mental clarity, and the ability to work well with others. Not all children will become professional athletes, but these skills will be valuable to them later in their lives. Staying healthy will help them grow and live longer lives. Developing a strong mind will help them do well in school and in careers. And if they learn to work well with others, they will get along well with colleagues and friends.

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