Saturday, November 26, 2016

Types of computer

1. On the basis of function. I. Analog computer
An analog computer is that which measure continuous types of physical value such as temperature or pressure. Thermos meter, multi meter, Speedo meter, fuel & price indicator in petrol pump are analog.
II. Digital computer
The computer which accepts discrete data (discontinuous data) is known as digital computer. Basically, digital computer accepts binary number system.
III. Hybrid Computer
Hybrid computer is the combination of analog and digital computer. They are mostly used in scientist research, industries application, and aero planes.
2. On the basis of size.
·         Super computer.
·         Large memory and highest processing power
·         Very high cost (15 million dolor)
·         Only 200 super computers in US
·         Application in research/space
4. On the basis of processing speed (processor used)
XT=Extra/Extended Technology. AT=Advanced Technology.
Language of computer:
Computer is a machine. It uses machine language. Machine language depends upon binary number system. The script of binary number system is 0 & 1. This 0 & 1 are known as bits. To write A=01000001.

Measurement of Electronic data
1 character               8 bits
8 bits                      1 byte
1024 bytes              1 kilobyte(KB)
1024 kilo Byte        1 megabyte(MB)
1024 megabyte        1gigabyte(GB)
1024 gigabyte         1 terabyte(TB)
II. Mainframe computer.
·         Large general purpose computer
·         Used in database field
·         1000 processor

III. Minicomputer.
·         Used in connection as work station
·         Used as a server
·         100 terminals should connect
IV. Microcomputer.
Those computers which is based in microprocessor is called microcomputer. It is also called personal computer.
(a) Desktop computer.
(b)Laptop computer (Briefcase size).
(c) Palmtop computer. (d)Note Book
3. On the basis of brand
I. IBM computer. (PC-personal computer)

II. IBM compatible. III. Apple/Macintosh

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