Tuesday, December 6, 2016

UNIT-1 Company :Conceptual and theoretical foundation Meaning and concept Part II

Types of company 
Joint stock company may be classified into various types from different angles .They are
A.On the basis of corporation/formation
a.charterd company
a charter company is established by the special royal charter or sanction by the head of nation. Before the enactment of the company act the procedure of forming a company is by means of royal chartered. The special privilege and right of company are granted in the charter. East india company, the bank of England are the example of chartered company
b.statuory company :
a company, which is formed or incorporated by a special act of parliament is known as  statutory companies. such company is governed by their respective acts and do not have any memorandum or articles of association. Nepal rastra bank, Nepal airlines are the example of it.
c.Registered company :
a company registered according to the provision of the company act is known as registered company. The procedure of establishment ,right, duties ,working area and procedures of winding up such company are cleared at the time of incorporation. In the context of Nepal , a registered company should be incorporated according to the provision of company act 2063.
B.On the basis of liability
i.Limited company :
this type of company is registered with certain number of shares; the liability of shareholder is limited up to the extent of the face value of shares held by each of them. It means shareholders have no extra burden for the payment of debt.
ii.Unlimited company:
it is just like an ordinary partnership. Under this type of company, shareholders are liable for all liabilities of the company. The company of unlimited liability is rarely found in present world.
iii.Company limited by guarantee :
under this type of company, the liability of shareholder is limited to a specified amount as mentioned in the memorandum of association. The amount of guarantee may differ from shareholder to shareholder
C.On the basis of members :
1.Private limited company:
It is one of the registered companies incorporated according to the company act in the concern department. According to the company act 2063 ,the minimum number of shareholder may be one and maximum shareholders should not be exceed fifty .A private limited company cannot issue shares to the public for subscription and remain limited to some limited number of shareholders .For quick identification of such company the word “pvt. ltd” is written after the name of company.
2.Public limited company :
 Companies other than private ltd. comes under public ltd.  Company. According to section 2 of the company act 2063 , public company means any company incorporated according to this act. The minimum numbers of the shareholders are seven and maximum is unlimited for the registration of a public limited company. A public ltd. Company can issue shares for public subscription and shares are easily transferable.For quick identification of such company the word “ ltd” is written at the end followed by the name of company.
D.On the basis of ownership :
a.Government company :
In this type of company ,government has minimum 51% of the paid up value of share capital of the company. The management of the company is taken by the government authority. In context of Nepal Janakpur cigarette factory, Birjung sugar mill ltd. Are the example of government company.
b.Non-government company :
 this type of company is established under private ownership .government has no involvement in the ownership of the company, if involvement is there that is less than 50% of total paid of share capital. Government do not interrupt in the regular business activities of the company, only completion of the few rules of government is sufficient.
E.On the basis of domicile
i.National company
ii. Foreign company
iii. Multinational
F. On the basis of control
a. Holding company

b.Subsidiary company